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Anthony Best free slot gamesGillingham has been playing violin for 22 years and piano for 21. His love of music started at a young age and was fostered by his parents through private lessons, group lessons at the local music academy, participation in musical competitions, as well as participation in multiple local orchestras through middle and high school.

He attended Bob Best free slot gamesJones University in Greenville, South Carolina, where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Music Education, with a piano proficiency. While at BJU, he played violin in the BJU Symphony Orchestra for four years, played for on campus events such as operas, and musicals, as well as competed in SCMEA and other state competitions.

Anthony has worked for slot free slot gamesseveral years as a substitute in the public school system and has extensive experience with orchestras, whether instructing, conducting or participating.

He recently moved to Pittsburgh and has been enjoying getting situated in the city with work and growing his community. He joined the PMA staff in Summer 2022 and teaches violin and beginner piano Best free slot gamesgroup classes, as well as accompanies student performances. He is accepting violin and piano students of all levels and is excited to grow his studio