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Yes! Group classes enhance and enrich the child’s private lesson experience. The group class creates a community of peers designed to motivate and support one another in skill development. Students build and refine their growing repertoire and become comfortable performing with and for each other. Students who participate in group free slotsclass progress faster, build deeper skills, and stay motivated. Parents enjoy discussing lessons with other parents and find it easier to keep their children practicing. You can read even more HERE.

How do I register for classes on ClassJuggler?

Check out our step by step ClassJuggler tutorial for instructions on creating your account and shopping your classes.

What instruments do you teach at PMA?

We teach voice, violin, viola, cello, piano, flute & guitar.

What is the Suzuki Method?

The Suzuki Method is a teaching philosophy that is guided by the belief that talent is not inborn but instead ALL students can learn to play music at a high pop slots free chipslevel. Success is experienced when the environment includes a highly qualified teacher, a strong support network, listening, repetition, community engagement, and positive reinforcement.

Will my child learn how to read music?

Yes! Students learn to read music when they are “reading ready.” When a young student is experiencing success with reading English in school, they are likely to begin reading music. It may be important to delay reading until a student demonstrates proficiency in some basic skills like holding the instrument or proper finger action. It should be noted that the highest level musicians can read music AND learn by ear free slotsand one is not more important than the other.

How do I know if my young child is ready for music lessons?

If your child has successfully participated in preschool and easily follows directions from a teacher, it is likely they are ready for music study. Joining a Musikgarten class, observing a lesson or group class, or registering for our Pre-Twinkle Camp are good ways to decide if your young child is ready to begin private instruction. Most of our beginner students are between 5 - 8 years old and are in Kindergarten or 1st grade.

Do you have adult students?

Yes! We have lots of adult students, many of whom register for a Flex Plan to accommodate busy schedules. Learn about the Flex Plan free slots|Welcome and decide if it’s right for you.

Why is parent education important?

Parents need tools to help their young student succeed. Our classes explain the philosophy of the Suzuki method and provide real guidance on how to practice with your child when they need your assistance or support them in their independence.

What is the lesson registration process?

Once you complete our pop slots free chips|Welcome, our Instrument Department Chairs pair you with a teacher to work together to find a time to meet and decide if a trial lesson or lesson observation is the best way to get started. Then, you can create your Class Juggler account and sign up for lessons.

How much do lessons cost at PMA?

Our installment plan starts as low as $92/month. We also offer discounts for siblings, second instruments, early payments and often have promotional pricing advertised on our social media.

Here are some of our most frequently asked questions. If you need more information prior to registering for lessons, we’d be happy to help! Email us directly, or call us at 412-344-1114 to speak with our Academy Director or Office Administrator.