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Jennie Nolan, Founder and Artistic Director of the South Hills Children's Choir, loves inspiring kids to sing!  She received her BMusEd in Voice from Biola University, MM in Choral Conducting from Messiah University, and is Kodaly-certified.  She formerly directed the San Diego Children's Choir and has led various church choirs in addition to slot free slot gamesteaching voice, classroom music, writing, and English.  Mrs. Nolan has studied under Drs. William Lock, Caron Daley,  Susan Medley, Kathy Hickey, Rachel Cornacchio, Rollo Dilworth, and Henry Leck. Mrs. Nolan has also enjoyed singing locally with the Pittsburgh Camerata, Bach Choir, Chorale 77, and other local choral groups.  She pop slots free chipsattends and assists with music activities at View Crest Church, as well as teaches music and writing to 3rd through 11th graders at Blackburn Study Center. She loves to run, bake, travel, and sing for and with her husband and four daughters (all of whom attended PMA).

We interviewed Jennie in June 2024 and talked about Best free slot gamesher professional experiences, her passion for teaching, the importance of music education, and her time so far at The Pittsburgh Music Academy. Watch the full interview here.